Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey, one of our representatives will contact you shortly. Television Property name Property Contact Email and Phone/Fax Number Current provider, if any? Total number of units on the property? Property grade? is the property under construction? Year in which the property was built? Number of common areas? Number of common outlets to be served? Number of common outlets to be served? Structure Type? Number of Buildings, if any? Number of floor to be wired? Number of units to be wired? Roof style? Pitch angle? Roof Access (Exterior, Interior hatch w/ladder, Interior hatch with stairs) Dimensions of roof hatch Equipment Delivery Access (parking garage, freight elevator, stairs) What type of cable will be needed? Cable Mfg Cable rating needed? Number of outlets needed per unit? Connector type? Number of Attic Runs per building? Longest run in feet? Distribution architecture Project start date? Submit